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Little Lily and mom in her new Butterfly Garden
Bald Eagle
Watering Hole lakeside bar
Gator Oasis
Boggy Creek
Beautiful 32 acre park
Scrumptious Food
Outdoor lakeside dining
Night Ride
Butterfly Garden
Gem Mining Adventure
Family Gemstone & Fossil Mining
Butterfly Garden
Sunset Tours
Female Founded Business
Small Business
Visitors have journeyed from across the world to enjoy a front seat view of authentic Florida from the safety of airboats guided by US Coast Guard Certified Master Captains at Boggy Creek Airboat Adventures. You can choose from several tours including day, sunset, night, or private.

After your airboat tour, explore the grounds along lighted brick pathways winding across a lush lawn hugging the shores of the lake and gator oasis pond. Along the pathway, guests can pose in front of the Cracker Style shack for a great photo opportunity on an airboat.

Experience the beautiful walk-thru butterfly encounter. Lily's Butterfly Garden has native butterflies, wildlife and plants. It is included in your park admission. Spend some time digging for gems, fossils, alligator and shark teeth at the Gem Mine. Combine your airboat and Florida adventure with a wonderful Florida style BBQ and all the fixins’ in their lakeside restaurant.


things to do

  • Airboat Adventures
  • Duration: Partial Day