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Beautiful exterior of Gaylord Palms Resort at dusk with clear reflection in the water below

Visit the Gaylord Palms Resort

Share Partner News, Story Ideas & Media Events

Calling all partners!

Share your business’ news tidbits, story ideas, and upcoming media events with our team for potential inclusion on or other marketing channels. Reach out to our team directly with specific needs or questions.

Submit News, Story Ideas & Media Events

What’s new, hot, or happening at your business?

Submit your news, story ideas, or other content for promotion on our website and other channels. You may be able to gain additional coverage for your media event by sharing it with the Experience Kissimmee team. While we consider all events submitted, filling out this form does not guarantee that Experience Kissimmee will provide any promotion or coverage.

Type of Submission
Media Event
What is needed form the Experience Kissimmee team?
Selecting one or all of these options does not guarantee coverage or inclusion.
One file only.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, doc, docx.

Consumer Festival & Events

For consumer events, please submit your event details on our Festival & Events page. Your event will be showcased on our consumer-facing event listing grid, with a chance to be highlighted in our newsletter. This is a fantastic opportunity to reach a broader audience and increase visibility for your event!

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